

Before I started working with Jon, I had been suffering with scoliosis (back pain). I would always have pain down one side of my body as my muscles didn’t know how to work properly. I’d always done a lot of sport, but adapted to make it work for my body. In our sessions, Jon covered a highly detailed, progressive program starting with the basics and working out which parts of my body worked correctly and which didn’t. He figured out the specific exercises my body needed in order to strengthen and move properly (without cheating!) Whilst I know that my scoliosis is not going to go away completely, I am much more aware of my body and how to use specific muscle groups to be able to move more effectively. I feel much stronger and most definitely with less back pain. 

The 1:1 individual attention is amazing to make sure that what I am doing is what is right for my body. I can now go to the gym, or workout at home, knowing that what I am doing is helping me and my body.

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Ian – Client of the Month – November 2022
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