
“I’ve run my own business for 27 years and I’m still 100% motivated to do what I do. Staying fit and focused is essential and, apart from the obvious health benefits, there is a HUGE overlap with issues around energy and self-belief that come from exercise.

“I simply acknowledge the massive difference exercise makes to my business energy and drive – I have lots of those ‘if I can do this, I can do anything’ moments during exercise, which I absolutely love.

“I also acknowledge that having a Personal Trainer works for me because I like knowing there is someone else on my team who wants this almost as much as I do. Which, of course, means training sessions are non-negotiable appointments in my weekly diary.”

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Ian – Client of the Month – November 2022
Everybody that walks through our doors are assigned to one of our experienced coaches, this not only makes you accountable but also makes us as professionals accountable too.

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