August member of the month

August Member of the month - Penny

August Member of the month - Penny

1. Name

Penny Phillips

2. How long have you been training with Field of Fitness?

6 months

3. What do you love about training with Field of Fitness?

The friendly atmosphere. No one judges you. It doesn’t matter if I manage a quarter of the calories that others achieve. It is only 2 minutes walk from home so I have no excuses to miss a session. Feeling good after a session.

4. What do you think has been your greatest achievement whilst you’ve been training with us?

I have hopefully achieved some of my objectives being to get a bit fitter and restore some muscle which you inevitably lose. I guess dead lifting 70kg in the last testing session might be my greatest achievement if I have one.

5. What’s your favourite exercise?

That’s a difficult one. I can tell you which I find most difficult- weighted prowler and the assault bike.

6. What do you want to achieve at field of Fitness in the next 3 months?

At least maintain my fitness/strength level if not continue to improve it if possible.

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