I was a regular runner and occasional team sport player (hockey and netball) and I started attending the lunch time sessions when I was training for the London marathon in 2011/2012. At the time I thought I was quite fit!
However, I was amazed how much I ached (in a good and satisfying way!) after the first session. I soon realised I had many unused muscles particularly my core and upper body. I found the sessions exciting and effective. My strength increased dramatically and all the little niggles I used to experience from time to time running disappeared. I have not been injured and off running since 2012 and I am sure that is largely due to the significant increase in strength and flexibility as a result of the sessions at Field of Fitness.
Dan and Jon and the team are all extremely welcoming and knowledgeable and the place has a fantastic motivational atmosphere. The regularly attendees in our group sessions are all extremely devoted and it makes a significant difference to our effectiveness in the afternoon when we return to the office with clear heads (and aching limbs!).